• Polytheist or Pagan? A Little Poll

    At the beginning of the month, I launched a little poll on pagan.plus:

  • Petitioning Abellion For His Favour at the Apple Orchard

    I am currently writing the tests to move from the rank of Student to Initiate in Toutâ Galation. The following is adapted from an answer I prepared for this test. I first briefly wrote about this ritual on this very blog in September 2021: “Orchardcraft.”

  • Housekeeping Notes: Welcome to Jekyll!

    As of January 19, 2024, Osfairy has migrated to a free spot on Github and the blog posts are powered by Jekyll. Frankly, Wordpress was very expensive and beyond what I actually needed. Between paying for a domain name and paying for Wordpress, I’d prefer to spend that money on a domain name. So I cancelled Wordpress, and spent the large part of the day migrating from Wordpress to Jekyll, dusting off some wildly rusty web development skills.

  • Housekeeping Notes

    — Tidied up a new theme for this blog in WordPress. Home page still has tags and a subscription box, but the layout has been simplified everywhere. Hopefully not too simplified.

  • Mythless

    There’s a frequent joke shared in Heathenry spaces which I share below:

  • A few notes on the theorized original characteristics of the Gaulish religion(s)

    I’ve been slowly making my way through Les religions gauloises by Jean-Louis Brunaux over the past several months. I really loved reading Les druides, which I had to return to the national library but am hoping to pick back up again soon. Les religions gauloises similarly does not disappoint.

  • On Slowing Down, Way Down

    Every now and then I find myself falling into the same old trap of urgency. The I shoulds and I needs become confused and pressing. I find myself despairing at the piles of books and scholarly articles downloaded, the endless notes piling up, the outlines that never make it past a few scant intentions.

  • Notes on Isabelle Stengers’ “Reclaiming Animism” (Part Two)

    Qui suis-je? Si par exception je m’en rapportais à un adage: en effet pourquoi tout ne reviendrait-it pas à savoir qui je « hante »? Je dois avouer que ce dernier mot m’égare, tendant à établir entre certains êtres et moi des rapports plus singuliers, moins évitables, plus troublants que je ne pensais. Who am I? What if, just this once, I referred to an adage: indeed why would not everything come back to the knowledge of who I am “haunting”? I must admit that this last word loses me, as it tends to establish between certain beings and myself relationships more singular, less avoidable, and more troubling than I would have expected.

    André Breton, Nadja, (1964) p.9

  • A Shrine for Cathubodua

    There are few things I love more than taking a beautiful, decorated wooden box, and hiding treasures inside, much like a magpie might. Perhaps this is my Catholic upbringing finally shining through me with this little project. I feel proud to share with you all my writing shrine to Cathubodua.

  • Notes on Isabelle Stengers’ “Reclaiming Animism” (Part One)

    That – before the field become solely map memory
    In some archive of some architect’s screen
    I might possess it or it possess me
    Through its night dew, its moon white caul
    Its slick and shine and its prolifigacy
    In every wingbeat in every beat of time

    Death of a Field, Paula Meehan, 2005

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