As of January 19, 2024, Osfairy has migrated to a free spot on Github and the blog posts are powered by Jekyll. Frankly, Wordpress was very expensive and beyond what I actually needed. Between paying for a domain name and paying for Wordpress, I’d prefer to spend that money on a domain name. So I cancelled Wordpress, and spent the large part of the day migrating from Wordpress to Jekyll, dusting off some wildly rusty web development skills.

The transition was not exactly seamless, unfortunately: a large part of the images that decorated various blog posts are gone. For the most part, it was just simpler to delete them than to think about how to bring them over and update all the URLs. There are still a whole pile of deadlinks, especially as I haven’t recreated the same categories and tags that existed on the Wordpress. Link structure between Wordpress and Jekyll has some key differences as well.

Right now I’ve split the posts into only two categories, blog and poetry. We’ll see if and what tags return, but I’ll probably be keeping post taxonomy real simple this time around.

It’s been a year and two days since I last updated my blog. To justify paying for this domain name, I need to actually use this website. I’m hoping that migrating to a static site, getting off Wordpress (which I find needlessly complicated and tends to crash my browsers), and being a little more brave about what I post will do the trick.

Turning a new leaf a.k.a. generating a new static site! It’ll do me good.